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Separating Coils
The sight and smell of a smoking mozzie incense coil is a mainstay of any lazy summer outdoors.
The use of coils to deter and reduce mozzie bites, has been an integral part of global cultures since the early 1900’s.
Always take care & treat the coils gently, they are an all-natural (compressed wood pulp, infused with essential oils), handmade product which will break easily.

1Using scissors, gently remove the plastic packaging from the coils.

2Gently spread the layers using your hands.
Each coil disk contains 2 individual coils. Be slow and patient so coils do not break.

3Begin by pressing gently in the middle, carefully grasping the two centres with your forefingers and thumbs, slowly press outwards in opposite directions, until the two layers slowly twist and separate.

4Place the separated coils on a flat surface.

5Add the steel base coil holder to the bottom of one of the coils, position and light. Do not burn without first placing on the steel holder provided in the pack.
Burn the mozzie coil in a coil holder (either terracotta or metal holder)
Light the end of the coil. Blow out the flame so the coil is left rapidly smouldering (smoking).
Never leave the burning/smoking coil unattended.